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How To Stop Breaking Your Own Heart


An accessible self-help book from the founder of The Good Quote Meggan Roxanne, helping readers to stop self-sabotaging and find self-love

Once you start breaking your own heart, how do you stop? From the founder of The Good Quote, this book will teach you to heal, protect, and nurture your heart through difficult times.

Navigating the turbulence of life can be tough. If you're feeling lost, or experiencing anxiety, grief, or heartbreak, this book will support you through hardship and guide you back to your true self.

Made up of three parts; 
How We Break Our Own Hearts, How We Start To HealAnd How We Nurture And Protect Our Heartsthe book covers important and relatable themes such as-

Moving away from perfectionism
Breaking free from expectations
How to stop self-sabotaging and keeping yourself small
Creating healthy relationships and learning to say no
Rediscovering your confidence and self-worth

Following her personal experience of anxiety, grief, and feeling lost in her early twenties, Meggan built a community of over 25 million people dedicated to wellness, mental health, and self-development. Now she's using the lessons she's learned along the way to provide resources and wisdoms on how to learn to love yourself, and finally start to heal. You'll wish you had read this sooner.

"I hope you quit overthinking, replaying fail d scenarios, feeling self-doubt, and seeing the good in everyone but yourself. You deserve more." ― The Good Quote