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This is a place to discover yourself. Our family of readers and healers at The Empress & Wolf have been specially hand picked to offer you a premium experience. 

We have four calm and peaceful rooms upstairs away from the hustle and bustle, so you can fully immerse yourself into your personal healing journey.


Please take a look at our experienced practitioners to find the person and modality that best serves you. 

Our talented readers and healers are in high demand and bookings must be made in advance online. Click the Book Now button under a reader to see their availibilities and prices.



 "It is my soul's passion & nothing brings me more joy than to Inspire & Empower, I feel honoured to pull truths from all realms to ignite power within you & bring alignment into your life.” 

Elicia looks into the crystal ball & channels the messages for you via sound, sight and feeling, working to help bring you back to your original soul truth. She can see images, movies, & symbols which she will explain to you in your session. 

"It is by seeing and acknowledging original wounds we can release any lower frequency we are carrying & therefore better direct our lives from our higher self." 

Elicia's readings involve using her natural psychic gifts to interpret these messages from other realms through the practices of mediumship, channelling and in the form of traditional Tarot card reading. 

"I elicit healing, transformation & release of unserving patterns, connecting your conscious to truths hidden in the subconscious, & all realms of time & space" 

All readings take place in the privacy of you own reading room, lit by beeswax candles, & subtle aromatherapy. Elicia creates a safe quiet enviroment that feels secure & supported so you can process anything that comes up for you. 

Utilising over 20 years of exploration in psychic abilities, her expert key areas are but not limited to; spirituality, business management, sales, metaphysics, quantum physics, law of attraction, manifestation, chakra systems, empowerment, compassionate communication & mediumship. Elicia utilises wisdom from every facet of her life to bring forth strength & intelligence in a light hearted manner to help you direct your life to a place of flow, congruency, & peace. 

"My aim is to be precise, accurate & explain to you exactly what I perceive. But as always, with each session the power lies within the individual to make their own choices as to how to proceed with the information delivered". 

This is a really fun light hearted Tarot Card Reading, that can be especially helpful if you have questions in regards to work, family & everyday life. This is recommended for people who have not had a Psychic Tarot Reading before. 

20 mins - $79
30 mins - $129

This option gives you everything from the Elementary Experience with added depth of a Psychic Channelled Crystal Ball Reading. In this session I set the intention to receive accurate specific information for the highest good of your Soul. I look into the crystal ball, & relay to you what I see, hear & feel, diving into limiting beliefs, blocks, or conflict you may be experiencing so we can heal & release to align you back to your highest self. We only go as deep as you are ready & everything is delivered in peace, love & kindness. 

30 mins - $222
45 mins - $288

This option gives you everything from the Elementary Experience & Essential Experience with added depth of a Psychic Channelled Crystal Ball Reading hand written prior to your arrival. This session is a deep dive into the entire timeline of a person's soul. The intention is to draw down on what limiting beliefs, patterns, blocks and/or conflicts are manifesting in the person's life at this time. And to bring these things to the surface for healing and release, focusing on the lineage of the original wound whether it be from this life or a previous one. 

This session elicits the most profound transformation out of all the sessions I offer. Together we open up a new narrative in you, and activate a deeper truth that sits beyond trauma, wounds, fear or limiting beliefs. This is an empowering, healing and transformative session that helps you begin to build the foundations of a more authentic, fulfilling life.

45 mins - $333
(15 mins of chanelled information will be writted down prior to your sitting for the reading and given to you to keep)

 This session is unique, & unlike the other experiences I offer. Each sessions begins with me tuning into the deepest part in myself, activating the room by lifting the frequency to align to the same as your loved one. I ask for your chosen person to enter.

Once I have given you specific undeniable evidence that this is in fact your loved one, I then invite you to ask questions or we can simply just see what they would like me to pass on to you.

My focus is always to bring you accurate, evidential information first so that you can relax & trust the experience is genuine.

I am a gifted natural psychic, which means I am able to shift my frequency in a way that allows your loved ones to use my mind like a vision board, movies, stories, images, and symbols into the part of my mind I can see. I also am able to hear exact years, phrases & sentences. I can sometimes get names, but they generally spell that out to me because in real life I am terrible with names! However, everything else I can do with extreme accuracy.

Some loved ones will not come through for many different reasons. I’ve not had a session where a loved one has not come through when asked, but if I cannot connect to your loved one I will offer you the opportunity to exchange for one of the other sessions that I offer or you can receive a full refund.  

30 mins - $222
45 mins $333
60 min group session - $444 (up to 4 people. Extra people can be added for $111 each)




A fully qualified psychotherapist, relationship counsellor, leading teaching, classical musician, and former CEO, El brings a wealth of life experience to her readings. El spent her childhood playing with the elementals living in gardens surrounding family homes and beautiful coastal spaces where she would holiday. Over the years she learnt to listen and communicate and see through their eyes to identify patterns to energy flow, eventually joining them in championing positive, high vibrational energy to support mother earth and all who live with her. El uses tarot and her connections to see the energies surrounding you, to identify, heal and balance blocks and distractions to natural flow and to provide suggestions for best path forward for success and happiness. 

Available Saturdays 

•30 minute Tarot Reading & Energy Balancing - $90
• 60 minute Tarot Reading, Healing, Balancing & best path forward - $185
• 60 minute Couple Reading - $215
• 2 Hour Group Reading (4-8 people) - $499




Nicole is a clairvoyant healer and coach. She supports people on their journeys - guiding them through the many dimensions of change – endings, transitions and beginnings. She works holistically balancing Intuition and Guidance with modern practical Coaching support. 

One of her gifts is helping you understand the hidden energies at play, providing clarity on where you feel stuck or challenged in your life. She acts as a catalyst to help you transform your world, by guiding you in finding the answers you seek for the best way forward. Her sessions help awaken your soul and breathe hope back into your world. 

Nicole has worked in the energy healing, coaching and change space for over 25 years, creating personal development programs across Asia. She holds many qualifications having studied various disciplines and practices with different teachers and schools from the traditional (Executive Coaching, Neuropsychotherapy, NLP, Conflict & Resilience Coaching) to the esoteric (Energy Healing, Shamanic, Angel, Goddess & Oracle training).

Available in store Fridays & Sundays 
Available for online readings Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 

• 30 minute Oracle Card Reading  - $90
• 60 minute Oracle Card Reading - $175

+ Relationship Healing (15mins) - $45 
Clear pain and restore balance within a relationship that is experiencing disconnect or difficulties or cut energy chords and dissolve all negative energies around a break-up to help with grief, forgiveness and moving on. 
+ Clearing Blocks to Success (15mins) - $45 
Dissolve limiting beliefs that get in the way of you manifesting your dreams and help with aligning to your highest expression to supercharge your desires. 
+ Clearing Fear & Doubt (15mins) - $45
Clear persistant fears and self-doubt that create wobbles in your world. Connecting you to your original soul blue-print connects you back to your power. 
+Break Old Habits (20 mins) - $50 
Clear away bad habits and self-destructive patterns and receive a powerful energetic balance to reconnect you with your authentic self. 
+ Soul Retrieval (25 mins) - $60
Heal and reconnect lost soul fragments that have split due to trauma and emotional pain. Integrating these lost parts leads to a greater sense of inner peace and wholeness. You are better ability to manage and navigate life’s storms and feel a deeper sense of love and appreciation for life and yourself.




Geraint's has 30 years experience as a reader and healer and his spiritual practice is based around teachings and lived experience of Australian Aboriginal and Celtic Shamanism.

In a reading, he uses the Celtic Tarot Deck utilizing the Past – Present – Future spread or the Celtic Cross spread. Within the reading he brings forth his psychic and shamanic abilities to support the soul of the person to share with them what opportunities and possibilities are available for them to live an incredible life.

Geriant is also able to read the persons energy (with permission of course) to confirm what is on offer for them, what might be blocking their path and then how to clear the way so they can expand and move forward with incredible joy, clarity of purpose with great success to be had in whatever they want to achieve.
In the mix of the reading a deceased loved one may want to come through to pass on a message or a particular spirit or animal guide might want to share some words of wisdom with you.

A reading with Geraint is a loving way of receiving immense soul purpose clarity for a beautiful life to be lived.

Geraint is available for online readings 



Jo is a Psychic Medium and Oracle Card reader. Her passion lies in facilitating magical experiences through her connection with spirit. Jo tunes into the past and present to bring clarity and guidance to assist her clients in aligning with their highest possible timeline. As a medium, Jo acts as a conduit between her clients and their loved ones in spirit to bring through information, memories and messages in a calm, sensitive and respectful way.

Jo also offers group mediumship readings. A group reading with Jo is a magical experience that will take your group on a journey through the veil to connect with the spirit world. These gallery style readings are designed for groups looking to embrace magic and connect with their loved ones on the other side. 

Jo will use her ability to see, hear, feel and know to connect in with the spirit world to bring through evidence and communicate heartfelt messages. If you are curious, open-minded and willing to explore the possibility of connecting with your dear ones in spirit, then a mediumship reading can be powerful for healing and growth. It can help gain a deeper understanding of your own spiritual journey, provide comfort and reassurance that your loved ones are still with you while offering guidance and insights into your life path. 

Group mediumship readings are perfect for those who want to share an enchanting and inspiring experience. *It is important to note that mediumship readings are not for everyone. If members of your group are not open to the idea of communicating with the spirit world or have strong religious or cultural beliefs that prohibit such practices, then a mediumship reading may not comfortable for them to attend. 

Available for Online readings via Zoom Sundays & Mondays

• 30 minute Medium & Oracle Card reading - $105
• 60 minute Medium & Oracle Card reading - $225
• 90 min Group Medium reading for 4-8 people - $88p/p
• Group reading for 4-15 people at your home or acommodation in Daylesford - $111p/p (please contact us to arrange)




Echo is a certified Ayurvedic Therapist, a 3rd generation Tarot reader who is passionate about bringing health and pleasure together. Armed with a soft heart and a sharp mind she teaches healthy eating, living, and thinking. She has spent 15 years studying, practicing, and teaching Ayurveda. Echo also has degrees in Psychology (BA) & Anthropology (Hons) and she has an integrated, trauma informed, and culturally aware approach to wellness and spirituality. 


• Natal Chart Readings


On the day of your reading you'll receive


How to book a reading


1. Choose the reader you want, and the length of reading.

2. Choose the day and time that works best for you.

3. Leave your contact details and payment info. All bookings must be paid in full in advance. This can be transferred to store credit if you need to cancel your booking. We look forward to seeing you soon.