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Authentic Moldavite With Rune Symbols Raw Pendant


Raw Authentic Moldavite, set in a Sterling Silver pendant, embellished with Rune Symbols. A unique high vibrational stone, only found in the Czech Republic. Chain sold separately.

Chains available here

Rune Symbol Meaning

Rune Symbols are an ancient proto-Germanic tradition dating back to potentially the 1st century AD. They consist of a runic alphabet of 24 letters, that were used as a method of fortune-telling and protection sigils. Rune Symbols are used as a method of connecting to one’s higher self, inner guidance and tapping into intuition as a method of foretelling what the future may hold. 

Moldavite Healing Properties

Wonderfully rare Moldavite formed when a Meteorite crashed in the Czech Republic 14.8 Million years ago. Moldavite is especially beloved by The Empress & Wolf team for its incredible powers of transformation. 

Star-born Moldavite is a life changing stone of rapid spiritual evolution, activation, cleansing, and protection. It will bring to the surface that which you most need to recognise and pull you into your life’s path.

**Please Note -

The Empress & Wolf only stocks authentic Moldavite. We source our pieces from genuine Australian suppliers who have ethically sourced dedicated contacts, whom they purchase from and have done so for many years.
Moldavite is a tektite, which is rare, and is getting harder and harder to source. These pieces change lives next level, and are an exceptionally powerful crystal to work with. Even though the prices have gone up, we will still be stocking Moldavite for as long as we can still get it ethically from our suppliers. All information provided here has been communicated to me directly from many different sources, so when you purchase your piece, please take good care of it as we may not be able to get another.


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