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Malachite strengthens your ability to take action in the world and drives you to create and manifest your dreams. It carries the frequency of Enlightened Leadership.

Malachite helps to burn through the fog of emotional confusion and helps overcome fears around self-expression. This stone can assist you to identity the steps you need to take to bring your dreams, wishes and visions into physical reality.

Malachite Oval Ring



Malachite Raw Freeform Ring

Natural Creations


Malachite Square Pendant
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Malachite Square Pendant

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Elongated Oval Pendant

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Elongated Oval Ring
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Malachite Elongated Oval Ring

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Elongated Oval Pendant

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Circle Pendant

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Marquise Pendant

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Bar Drop Earrings

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Oval Large Pendant

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite Teardrop Ring

Kalash Wholesale


Malachite & Amethyst Scroll Ring

Crystal Dreaming
