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Horary Astrology


Initially published in 1943, revised and updated in 1971, "Horary Astrology" is the first major work on this divinitory aspect of Astrology in 300 years. Without depriving the individual of the opportunity to make his own decisions, the art of locating a question and answer provides instructive information that can be beneficially applied to everyday problems. Dr Jones demonstrates how Horary Astrology can be used to provide psychological insights, and a key to new growth and understanding.This book is a complete manual revealing the inside workings of human nature. Life opens all its doors through "Horary Astrology" and these pages contain the secret of the art. Dr Jones includes: Charting the Pertinent Moment; Phrasing the Question; Locating the Question; The Yes and No Technique; The Judgement Chart; Multiple Questions; Inaugural Horoscopes; Planetary Dynamics; and, A Primer of Symbolism. Everything has its circumstantial threads of relationship. Dr Jones reveals from his vast Astrological experience the techniques that uncover their meanings.