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Original Artwork By Elicia Ward

"Life is merely time held amongst shadows of all the things you are,  are not & the things you want to be. The beauty is in knowing that you are not the stories of your perception, nor the the solid things that surround you, you are the light that remains within & throughout process"


She wrote 10,000 words, 10,000 sounds showing 10,000 feelings in order to complete an equation that has puzzled her for years. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but also deep within her soul. Let real beauty settle behind the dusty consciousness & observe with the eye of your heart. Beauty can only be felt by those that recognise it within themselves, honouring yourself first then find it in the world.

About The Artist

Originally from Adelaide, I have lived in Daylesford, Victoria since 2009. I am the owner & creator of The Empress & Wolf and have designed a few different products to promote the message that was given to me in a dream - “To Inspire & Empower.” It is my deepest passion to lead by example and free the world of silly pigeonhole thinking, everyone deserves the opportunity to fully express their being without being pressured to alter or hold back.

What Art Is To Me

Happiness to me is expression in full. There is nothing more beautiful than taking the rawness of life & throwing it into a canvas. I hold nothing back. I create from my heart & I give no thought to the perceiver's eye. I fall into unknown depths free from judgement of any kind. I love what I do and do what I love. I want to share all of the creative energy that floods through me.

My Grandmother taught me how to paint when I was 6-7 years old. I have always had a passion for learning, expanding myself with literature & philosophies to create a depth in understanding which helped me explore every facet of my being. From this I can express completely & be in my truth. My aim is to show beauty that remains in place of scars, showing all of the parts most would want to keep hidden. I want my shadows to be seen by all, knowing all will then in turn accept all their shadows. We are all made of the same things, we all have the same needs, & we all need each other. I believe that by showing  myself in all my fullness you will feel safe to do the same.