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Why WitchTok is Obsessed With Crystal Jewellery

the internet is obsessed with crystal healing and jewellery

The popularity of crystal jewellery and healing has surged in the past couple of years. In fact, the demand for crystals and gemstones has doubled over the past three years - with quartz imports doubling since 2014. What’s the reason you may ask? It's partly due to the increase in interest across areas such as cosmetic tattooing and fashion more generally. However, our intel across the crystal experts at The Empress & Wolf believe that the internet has contributed to the growing billion dollar industry. Both #witchtok and #crystaltok hashtags are have recently been trending on popular social media platform TikTok, accumulating over 7.5 billion views. Consequently, they have played a huge role in growing crystal jewellery demand and sales. Keep reading to find out more on why the internet is obsessed with crystal jewellery. 

 Increase Awareness of Crystal Properties

increase in crystal jewellery properties and healing at The Empress & Wolf

Crystal healing is generally based around the belief that specific crystals send vibrations at different frequencies which can be used to heal people or alter one’s spiritual energy. Throughout the internet, especially WitchTok - online users’ awareness on crystal healing properties has increased. As a result, the crystal market has consequently expanded, with high demands on crystals carrying these properties: 

  • Love and attraction 
  • Attracting Health 
  • Attracting Wealth 
  • Amplify and protect energy
  • Balance emotions 
  • Purification 

Whether crystals are used for healing or spiritual purposes - crystal healing and jewellery has risen from being just a niche hobby to valid spiritual practice for many people. 


Increase Demand for Aesthetic Appeal

Many recent crystal lovers have admitted that their enjoyment of owning crystal jewellery is not for any purpose other than for their aesthetic appeal. Crystal and gemstone formations are gorgeous, shiny, and pleasing to the eye. In addition to this - the tactile experience of holding crystals is objectively soothing, regardless of whether someone believes in its healing properties or not. 


Morally speaking, is it the right way to own crystals? We at The Empress & Wolf believe that crystals should be for everyone, and should not be exclusive to only a particular type of crystal owner. However, it is important to remind ourselves that crystal healing has existed for many generations in either many religious or cultural practices. We must respect crystals beyond their aesthetic nature in order to appreciate the earth and those who use crystal healing as a form of cultural empowerment. 


Supporting Small Creators & Their Businesses

supporting small businesses with The Empress & Wolf

The rising popularity of both WitchTok and CrystalTok has provided the internet with the opportunity to bond together over crystal jewellery and healing. In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged many people to turn to spiritual practices in the wake of unprecedented times - providing a sense of purpose and joy for many. With crystal knowledge becoming highly accessible to online users - crystal jewellery and healing has inevitably become trendy across the globe. The TikTok community of spiritualists in particular have significantly changed the way in which spirituality is perceived and performed - for the better. 


Issues With High Demand for Crystals

high demand in crystal jewellery and healing can cause issues

While the crystal craze has created a booming market over the years - it comes with high cost on the environment. Crystals are extracted from mines all around the world, and they’re non-renewable and unsustainable. With a high demand for mining crystals, this threatens the destruction of biodiversity embedded in our environment. In addition to this, mine workers can be subject to exploitation - being overworked and underpaid in dangerous conditions. 

So, how ‘ethically sourced’ are your crystals? There’s no way to know for sure - but advice from the crystal experts at The Empress & Wolf recommends buying crystals from small crystal businesses who guarantee that they source their products from trustful suppliers. When buying crystal jewellery online, however - ensure that the store you’re purchasing from provides fully transparent details about the crystals to avoid nasty scammers on the web. 


All in all, the internet has created one of the biggest trends in the market - that is, crystal jewellery and healing. For the most part, crystals have transformed the lives of many for the better. It’s predicted that metaphysical religion and spirituality will continue to grow into the future, and so will crystals. If you’re interested in crystal healing but are unsure where to start - get in touch with the crystal enthusiasts at The Empress & Wolf for any assistance. Alternatively, visit our site to browse our wide selection of crystal jewellery and other spiritual products. 


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