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Crystals for change

Another snap lockdown. Another bout of uncertainty and the stress that comes with it. We've been dealing with COVID-19 for 18 months now and the constant ups and downs are undoubtedly affecting most of us at this stage.

The one guarantee in life is change and it is good practice to improve our non-attachment and resilience so we can cope with changes that life will certainly throw our way. But when we have lots of changes and instability over a long period of time due to external circumstances that we don't have much control over, it can create higher levels of stress that can be harder to manage for some of us. 

While some can rise above and surrender to what is, the structure of modern life with its work and school schedules and emphasis on productivity and constant activity can make the extreme change to isolation and stillness jarring and distressing for many people. Add to that an atmosphere of fear and division and it's completely understandable if you are feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope.

Along with the usual advice to practice mindfulness and relaxation, physical exercise, and maintaining social support and connection however you can during this time, we have created a list of crystals that can also help you through this challenging time. These crystals will nurture, soothe, help release attachments and anxiety, and foster courage and resilience in the face of changes.



Amber helps transform unhelpful thoughts and behaviour patterns into higher ways of thinking, being and acting in the world. It can help you find your purpose and inner strength, while boosting physical vitality, immunity and energy levels that have been depleted by stress.


Blue Chalcedony

Blue Chalcedony is calming and centering and helps to calm the emotional body. Blue Chalcedony is an excellent stone for those who tend to worry as it centres one in the present moment, alleviating panic and anxiety.



Phosphosiderite is a calming, expansive crystal, that will nurture your body, mind, and soul, helping you heal from burnout, exhaustion, and insomnia. It will also help you tame anxieties and traumatic emotional attachments and replace them with healing vibrations.




Turquoise helps you to see everything in life is an expression of the divine. This allows you to accept your life experiences holistically, rather than disowning aspects you don't like. Embracing all aspects of creation fosters a true sense of wholeness. Turquoise helps you to forgive and release regrets, understanding that any experience can help us grow and learn.



Moonstone helps you surrender to changes, transitions, divine timing and the larger cycles of life, making it the perfect crystal to work with at this time. It also connects you to your intuition, allowing you to connect to your inner wisdom and find solutions for difficulties from your own higher self. 




Bloodstone is an incredibly supportive stone if you are going through a period of intense stress, difficulties, and adversity and struggling to take action in the face of it. It is emotionally supportive while boosting your courageous heart to face the challenges and changes life has placed in front of you. 




Dumortierite is a stone of spiritual guidance. If you are feeling lost and unsure of what direction to take, Dumortierite enhances creativity and opens you up to receiving messages from the divine, and your own higher self, helping you find a pathway through from a deep, authentic part of yourself. 



Ammonite helps you through life's transitions and gain a big picture perspective as the waves of change wash over your life. If you wish to undergo a big personal transformation, Ammonite can helps you understand the process of spiritual evolution. Ammonite is calming, bringing a sense of peace and perspective to your life. 




If you suffer from extreme emotions and worries, Lepidolite can release you from the patterns that keep you in a state of emotional crisis. Lepidolite also helps brings you into a state of appreciation of the present moment, allowing you to enjoy life rather that being caught up in the dramas of the mind and emotions. On a physical level, Lepidolite helps balance depressive, anxious, and hyperactivity disorders, and insomnia. 



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