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Crystals for healing

The idea for this list of crystals came to me in a dream.

The person shown to me in the dream was a light worker who had been worked to the ground. She needed a break from healing others, she needed a recharge, and she needed a moment detached from her self-imposed responsibilities. She’s the most caring person I have met, but I feel sometimes she gives too much and has not left herself enough to keep her spirits up.

These are crystals for people who give too much. It's a habit inherent in your makeup that is hard to give up, so my focus with selecting these healing crystals is to support you while you continue to give. It's hard to break a habit of a lifetime. For some, it’s not a habit you may be willing to change, because let’s face it: what would we do without those people who consistently support the world? Some people will sacrifice it all to be of service. And though I feel this can be detrimental, I also know for a fact that there is healing in sharing our care.


5 Crystals to Enhance Tranquility & Renewal



Angel Aura Quartz

Angel Aura Quartz Healing Properties

Angel Aura Quartz pours a rainbow into the aura, cleansing & uplifting your emotional state. By placing a feeling of serenity & peace in your auric field, you can remember to notice the beauty in the world and open up to align to your spiritual purpose.

Shop Angel Aura here 




Seraphinite Healing Properties

Seraphinite brings powerful healing to the physical body. Resonating with the angels here to heal this earth, Seraphinite helps you to release patterns & tendencies that causes imbalance with your health. By letting a few things go, we become open to aligning with glowing health & vibrancy.

Shop Seraphinite here



Garnet pendant

Garnet Healing Properties

Garnet gives a feeling of support to your needs & desires. It helps you feel grounded, and to release fear, worry, panic and anxiety. Garnet also strengthens your knowing that the universe is on your side, ready to support you, and aligning you to your heart's desires.

Shop Garnet here



Kambaba Jasper

Kambaba Jasper Healing Properties

Kambaba Jasper is a stone of peace & tranquility. It reminds you of the gift of life and your connection to it. This crystal is all about nurturing, taking you into a deep ancient forest allowing you to walk out feeling renewed & healed, releasing all baggage & unserviceable worries.

 Shop Kambaba Jasper here




 Apache Tears

Apache Tears Healing Properties

Apache Tears are grounding and help connect you to earthly reality, helping you to embrace all of life's experiences as spiritual teachings and to take your spiritual journey a little bit less seriously, leaving room for laughter and acceptance. If you are too action oriented and ambitious, Apache Tears can help you slow down and enjoy the stillness and calm.

Shop Apache Tears here

The Tranquility & Renewal Crystal Healing Packs

 Crystal Healing Crystal Healing


I have created two versions of this crystal healing bundle containing the crystals in the list above for healers and others who give too much of themselves.

We have a handful of the standard packs. I have also created a premium healing pack for those who due to their healing work need to resonate at a higher frequency. I feel higher grade crystals hold a clearer more precise vibration. I wanted to make a special edition pack based on the impact this dream had on me, and I know there are a few of you who need something extra special. We have one special edition pack available, if you feel you need more than one special edition crystal healing pack please contact us directly, 0404634097

Shop the crystal healing bundles here



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